Sunday, March 14, 2010

Monster Truck Show

Last night we went to the Monster Jam show at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids with two other couples from our church who also have little boys. Brian and Jenica have a two year old, and Brent and Ashley have a three year old. It's funny because their three year old is a year younger than Titus, but he is taller and weighs more. I definitely notice how small Titus is when he is around others his age or younger :) But they play pretty good together - except sometimes I think Titus forgets his friend is younger, probably because they are close to the same size :)

Anyway, it was a smaller show and limited in what the trucks could do since the arena is small and concrete instead of dirt, but it still was a lot of fun, and Titus loved it. Below are pictures as well as some videos of some of my favorite parts...

Titus with his earphones - it was very loud and I was glad to have earplugs!

The whole arena (the trucks are in the back)

The group we went with (except you can't see Brian & Jaxon)

Titus liked it, but by the end (9:30) he was reaching his end and breaking down. But overall, he did OK and seemed to enjoy the show

Here are the videos I took (there are a lot):

I don't remember the name of this truck, but I think his was the most entertaining to watch jump over the cars.

Destroyer and the The Scarlet Bandit (I think that was the name - she was a female driver and actually one of the top drivers!) were my favorite to race over the cars. It probably would have been more exciting to see it from the sides, but our seats were on the end. We still were really close - only 4 rows up!!

Grave Digger in the Doughnut part of the show - by far the best, and fastest.

Grave Digger in the freestyle part of the show - overall he was the best, but as Stephen said, Grave Digger and Big Foot are the most well-known Monster Trucks, so obviously they are well known for a reason!

I know it was a Monster Truck show, but my favorite part of the whole night was when the bmx bikes did tricks. UNREAL. They are insane!!! Here are videos of my favorites:


No hands - or feet. Nothing at all touching the bike!

Standing up and really letting go with his hands

Twisting in the air
(from the torso down)

The guy from Colorado was amazing - he was the only one that did a flip in the air. It was crazy to watch!


Anonymous said...

Sweet! My brother-in-law's nephew drives the Bars Leaks Rislone Defender, Zach Adams. Sounds like it was a good time.

Michelle M. said...

That looks like so much fun!

Ms. S said...

SO cute!

Mary Sue said...

How fun!! I just now got a chance to watch all of your videos! How cool, thanks for sharing!