Monday, April 12, 2010

Another Trip to the Carson City Playground...

...only this time Stephen could join us! We packed food for dinner and had a picnic and everything. It was so much fun! These pictures are from a week ago before we got all the cold and rain...and snow (thankfully it was just in the air and didn't stick to anything else!).

This is actually Titus's favorite spot, but Damaris wanted a turn, too.

This video is Damaris, and she is only going down the slide by herself for the second time in her whole life - and not just because Titus fell and she was scared...but because both our kids are big chickens when it comes to playgrounds, and I have no idea why. But at least she went down! And the little victory dance at the end makes it worth the whole thing!! :) :)

1 comment:

The Athearns said...

Yea Damaris!!! Too cute! :)