Saturday, April 03, 2010

ANOTHER Trip to the ER

We just got back from the ER...again...Titus broke open his stitches at our skit practice tonight...he ran into one of the chairs. I heard him crying and when I got over to him, my heart just sank - because I knew that he would have to go back for more stitches.

Thankfully we were done with practice, and a lady offered to take Damaris home and put her to bed, and we went with Titus back to the hospital. He was more upset about having to get stitches than he was about the pain, but we were laughing and having fun by the time the doctor came to put them in. They didn't put him in the wrap this time, and he did GREAT. The doctor only put two in instead of three (but I think he should have done three), plus they did dissolving ones so that we won't have to come back. Titus was very glad about both of these things. However, we will have to be more careful because the stitches are not as strong as the other kind, plus I think he will have pretty bad scarring this time around. But everyone has a great scar story, right?!? :)

What a trooper.

I am tired. Very tired.


Meghan said...

oh my goodness, poor kid.

Michelle M. said...

I'm just getting caught up. Poor guy! I hope he is doing well now.