- Frustrated - I can't sign in to my computer. Can't get my ID to work to be able to sign into Verizon's site where I will need to do most of my work.
- Confused - I swear they are speaking another language (plus they have TONS of acronyms which doesn't help)
- Content - It is nice to be working again. The people I will work with/for are great.
- TIRED - I only got 3 hours of sleep the night before between our friend's baby crying all night (we were so glad they could stop by, though!!!) and Damaris having nightmares, I was exhausted. Plus I had to drive down and stay with my cousin Tuesday night (thanks, Beth!!) because I had training in the morning in Muskegon. I was more than ready to get to bed that night!!!
- Relieved - my counterpart in our sister district in Muskegon is SUPER nice. She will be great to work (we are the only two Admins in Michigan). And she was great at training.
- Confident - It was so nice learning some of the actual FUNCTIONS of my job, not just terminology that I don't even understand. I think I will do well in this job once I get more acquainted with everything.
- Excited - I got to come HOME for Damaris's birthday instead of training another day. It was nice to spend time with the family.
- Frustrated - AGAIN - I will not be able to log on to my computer or have email until early next week. This is ridiculous because I can't do anything. So much has to do with Verizon selling Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, and South Carolina to Frontier - they are still working out the glitches as they are preparing for the switch. I will probably just get the hang of my job before they switch everything July 1.
- Confused - AGAIN - I really like my boss a lot, but I don't think any boss should be allowed to train their own Admin - especially since his old Admin was in OHIO and he never saw her...he even admitted he didn't know half the stuff she did.
- Overwhelmed - I normally can take lots of things thrown at me...but when A) I can't do very much right now without a computer and B) my boss (I swear) is speaking another language...it is hard to not feel overwhelmed and confused the whole day. I think need to make a list of all the terminology and acronyms and bring them home and memorize them - or something.
- Encouraged - I seriously think I will have a great team to work with. Everyone is so helpful and nice and patient. My boss is so flexible and that makes a big difference.
But overall, I really think I will like my job. I mainly will be running reports, a LOT of filing (which isn't one of my favorites), schedules for my boss and his local managers, and maybe even a little vacuuming (that was definitely NOT in the job description...but the cleaners don't vacuum...strange, I know), and a whole lot of trying to learn the telephony world...and no, we do not have anything to do with the wireless/cell phone side of Verizon. I thought that was strange, too.
And those are my reflections after the first few days... :) :)
Glad you're processing through things. That's a little odd about the vacuuming. I'm sure things will get better with time and the development of a new vocabulary. Reminds me of a line from the movie "A Bug's Life" - Flick: No, no, see it's classified in the DMZ, gotta go ASAP, you know, strictly BYOB
I hope things will continue to improve. How are the kiddos doing without you at home anymore? I'm sure it is a big transition for everyone.
Hope all goes well and you feel comfortable in your new job soon. Aunt Linda Mowat
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