Thursday, April 08, 2010

No More Minivan...and other news...

Goodbye Uplander, hello Jetta!

We have been looking (on and off) for 6 months to find a good deal, and to pay off our van, in order to find a Volkswagon Jetta TDI. We are not really a minivan family, but out of necessity of space with two small kids, in 2008 we sold our Vibe and got a van. Well, now that the kids are older and we don't have as much stuff to haul around, plus living closer to family so even LESS to haul, we thought it would be a good time to downsize.

Jetta diesels gets 40-50 miles per gallon, which is great timing since I will have a much longer commute to work - not to mention that to get to anything around here you have to drive at least 25 miles. This car is a 2004 and is a diesel - which means it will probably go 500,000 miles as long as we take good care of it and keep up on the maintenance.

And let me just say, I could not WAIT to get rid of our van - not just because we don't really like vans, but because nothing against Uplanders, but ours was just a lemon from the beginning, and I am happy to be rid of it.

I am excited!!

In other news...

We didn't get the house - but I feel OK about it even though I am disappointed. The couple was separated and she lost her job, so she had to sell the house, but now it looks like she is getting her job back, and they are going to try to work on their I am happy for them. I think we will have to wait now, which isn't what we wanted, but God knows better than we do.

It snowed today.

The kids have been RIDICULOUS this week...not really the way I wanted to spend my last week with them, but I guess it makes it easier to go to work - ha!

Please pray for one of my friends that just lost a baby - my heart has been heavy the last few days. It was their first baby, and she was due the first part of May, so obviously this was a surprise when she was so far along. They named her Madeline. I probably keep thinking about the whole thing because her daughter was the same size as both of our kids when they were born. It really puts the whole thing into perspective, you know? I am sure they would appreciate your prayers.


Meghan said...

Good for you guys on the car! Cute. My parents have a jetta. Snow? Thats crazy it was close to 90 here this week.

Michelle M. said...

We had a Jetta for 4 years and loved it. We sold it to move down to a one car family, but a few weeks ago, Nathaniel splurged and bought a new car (a BMW convertible). I am sure you will LOVE the Jetta.
I'm sorry to hear about your friends' loss. I can't even imagine what they are going through. Prayers!

Ms. S said...

Oh my gosh--such goodness on here! First off--your hair--awesome. Second, horray for the new car and third--it snowed??!! Really??!! Sick...