Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vacation Cont...16th

Day 6 ~ Friday
It was such a nice week for weather, even getting up to 80 degrees on the 15th as I already mentioned in the post when it cooled off to the 50's and rained on Friday, and then on Saturday packing up our car in the snow was a little strange - even though I would take snow over rain to pack up any day. It wasn't accumulating, but it was definitely starting to stick to everything.

Overall the whole week went really well, although by Saturday I was more than ready to go home. It was nice splitting meals and taking turns, spending time relaxing and going in the hot tub, playing games, staying up late, doing puzzles, sleeping in one day (thank you mom and dad Mowat for taking both kids!), and spending time with both sides of the family. The kids really enjoyed it as well.

Anyway, back to Friday - our last full day there...

We celebrated Damaris's birthday since it was so close and we were there already all together. Stephen's mom offered to make a princess cake, we opened presents, and just had a little party for her. Here are some pictures:

Stephen's mom was frustrated because the cake didn't turn out the way she wanted, but the rest of us liked it, and Damaris thought it was cool, so her opinion counts the most :) :)

The birthday girl...

Almost three years old!

Singing Happy Birthday!

Playing with the doll that was in the cake

"Just take my picture so I can open my presents!"

Opening her gifts

My mom made a quilt for Damaris!

Cute Princess PJ's, backpack, and more from Grandpa and Grandma Mowat!

She loves her gifts from Aunt Bethany!

From Aunt Valerie: This baby goes in the has a nice diaper that she can put on and off, plus bath toys - she loves it!

We will do our own family's gifts on her actual birthday on Wednesday...

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