Thursday, June 17, 2010

Busy Weekend

Today is Titus's birthday...he is 5 years old! More to come on that on a later post...

I still need to get to LAST weekend... :)

On Friday we had to head to Grand Rapids to get our car fixed (part of the agreement with the dealer when we bought it) and since it was my dad's birthday, we decided to swing over and spend the evening with them.

My dad's favorite restaurant - Fricano's in Grand Haven.

I do NOT think my dad looks 69. Crazy!!! I hope I look that good when I am almost 70...

They have had the same "menu"/placemats for years. And still the same things you can order on your pizza. And still no air conditioning. And still no credit cards. I think it is fun that they have stayed the same...although I wouldn't complain if they decided to get air conditioning :)

The pizza is super thin and the crust is almost cracker like. Unlike anything I have ever had, but super good!

Since we were in Grand Haven and the weather was so nice, we decided to go to the State Park and let the kids play in the lake and sand for a while.

It was pretty bright out...

I grew up going to Grand Haven every summer, multiple times in the summer, and it has been over three years since I have been back. It will always have a special place in my heart!

Someone made a really cool turtle in the sand.

I know this is blurry but I love the expression on his face...I just couldn't delete it

The kids loved playing in the water...even though it was probably only 50 degrees!

Ahh...I love Grand Haven. I just love water. It is so relaxing to me.

Then we went back for ice cream cake before we headed back home...

Happy Birthday, Dad!

On Saturday we packed up the kids and headed down to Indiana for a graduation open house for a girl that was in our youth group, and we promised to come to her party before we even left to come to Michigan. It was great seeing everyone again, and good for the kids to go back, too. We spent more time in the car than out, and the kids were terrible both down and back, but we were still glad we could go.

This is a great picture of everyone except me since I have my eyes closed...but it is the only one I have, so here it is :)

On the way home we stopped by their old babysitter's house. The kids were so excited to see the woman who watched them the whole time we were in Indiana while I was at work. They have mentioned her quite a bit since we have lived up here.

On Sunday we had a special baptism service at the lake. We normally just have to services in the morning and nothing at night, but this Sunday we met back for a third service, fellowship, and food. Everyone seemed to have a GREAT time. Here are some pictures:

The kids love playing in the sand and water :)

Everyone sitting out, ready to start the service. There were about 60-70 people total!

This is the whole group that got baptized (minus Stephen who did the baptizing :) ).

I thought this was the cutest thing ever...SO adorable...

Cornelius and Andrew (his brother who is visiting with his family)

Pastor Jerry and Linda

Pretty flowers :)

Just hanging out

The teens were having fun out on the diving dock

Good fellowship inside, too.

It was an incredibly busy weekend - I didn't feel like I had one...but we did a lot of fun things. I keep thinking it is time for another weekend...all week I have been. So that makes for a long week. This weekend should not be quite as crazy :) :)

More pictures to come of Titus soon...I hope.


Meghan said...

It looks like you had a ton of fun. Busy busy. I like weekends where we have fun stuff to do but I like the ones when we just hang out and get stuff in order and do not go anywhere.

Michelle M. said...

That looks like a wonderful week.

You dad looks AMAZING for 69! I can't get over it. And I love the photos of the kids by the water- their faces are adorable.

Anonymous said...

My dad LOVES that restaurant too! I think it's a bit greasy for my tastes. I love the pictures of Grand Haven...I miss it. I did manage to make a trip "home" this weekend and we spent Saturday at the Holland State Park. It was beautiful! I said hi to your parents also at church! Hope you have a great week

Anonymous said...

sorry didn't sign in...that's me.
Kristin Keisling :)