Monday, June 14, 2010


I have to be honest and say that my job has been ridiculously frustrating the last few weeks, and I am not sure how much more I can take. And add that to "life in general" for me right now, and I told Stephen I feel like I am being pulled in so many directions that I don't even have anything left. I am tired, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted. And I think I just want to cry, but can't. I feel like we are hitting road blocks in so many areas - and my work is taking up most of the day so that is what I feel the most. Just in the last week we have had so many employee changes with our techs, which is a ton of work for each one, my boss told us on Wednesday he took another position and was gone on Thursday, and today one of the two local managers that were supposed to start didn't pass his back ground check, so we are out that position until July after the transition to Frontier. And these are just the major things. I wonder if I made the right decision to take the job in the first place, but that is just dumb, because I know it was - and I am NOT a quitter, so I will stick it out. But I do miss the simplicity of being home. I didn't think I would miss it, but I do - desperately. I know this is silly, but I miss being able to get online, because I hardly get to my email, let alone read blogs or even blog myself, unless I sit down for a couple minutes - and then I am lucky if I can just get pictures uploaded, and scheduled out because I can't get time to even blog - and that's kind of like therapy and a good outlet for me, so I miss it. I have had to just say "no" to so much in my life, and yet it is not even close to enough.

I am praying that the stress level will go down, because I can feel it physically taking its toll.


Anonymous said...

Just prayed for you and the family.Aunt Linda Mowat

Kelly said...

I'm so sorry to hear this! I'll be praying!!!

Michelle M. said...

I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time. I honestly don't know how you do it! I'll be praying for you. please keep us updated. I hope things begin to improve.

OCCA Survivor said...

I have wanted to ask you about this for a while. Thank you for posting. :) I'm sorry things are rough and I know you are not a quitter. I don't know how to support you, so just know I am thinking about you and hoping for a smooth transition next month to Frontier. I'm defending my thesis next month (I walked in May but did not have my thesis finished) and then I will be doing the whole job-hunt thing. I feel really called to a secular setting, so Taylor and IWU are out. We'll see what doors open up! Maybe we can swap stories of how crazy our jobs are when I finally get one! :)

Gene and Annie said...

I was gonna ask about your job too!! Thank you for updating but I'm sorry that it isn't going well! God has a plan and maybe it is just for this season and something else will come up!!