Thursday, June 10, 2010

Swimming at our lake

I REALLY like living so close to a lake...and our lake is really nice. It is very clean, and pretty shallow for a ways out of the shore. This means the kids can play in the water really good and not get as scared. So last week we walked down to Fred & Cheryl's house and used their beach area to let the kids play for a while on night. It was fun :)

Having fun...

Throwing sand...

Playing in the water...

Catching fish...

Touching fish...

Even I caught a fish :)

Showing Damaris how to do it...

And a video of Damaris trying to throw one of the fish back...I had a feeling it would go something like this :) :)

Me and Stephen


Michelle M. said...

That looks like so much fun. I wish we lived near a body of water, the ocean would be the best! And I love Damaris' swimsuit!

Gene and Annie said...

I like her swimsuit too!! I would love to live closer to a lake...I bet it is really awesome!! I love the little video!! Plus, that last picture of you guys is a good one!!