Monday, July 19, 2010


*The kids have been nothing but whiny, argumentative, sassy, and grumpy for three solid days. I was so happy to go to work today...I don't know how much more I can take. Last night we went to Toy Story 3 with them at our cheap little movie theatre here in Crystal...and tonight I let them pick the meal, what we did, and everything - and sure the kids are great when it is all about them...but the second you mention anything they don't want to do - complete breakdown and fits. I can't handle it. So I just end up yelling and getting very angry...which I hate. I hope they get over this quickly - because they are quickly losing privileges (which just means more fits) and I am losing my sanity.

*I have not seen Stephen all day. Tomorrow I will only see him for an hour, in which we will be eating dinner, and Wednesday I will only see him for maybe an hour and a half, in which we again will be eating dinner. I don't really do well with this since my love language is quality time, and I am already at my end with the kids.

*On August 1st, the board at our church is taking a proposal to the whole church about selling the parsonage. This is crucial since we can not move into our house until the church can A) at least pay our utilities or B) sell the parsonage and pay us the full housing allowance. I am praying the church votes to sell the parsonage and that it sells QUICKLY. It would make my life a whole lot less stressful. But God is already providing in amazing ways, and I am ever so thankful (and humbled) that no matter what, He takes care of us. I just need to learn (again) to quit doubting and just TRUST.

*Only another month to six weeks before I leave for Cambodia to see my sister!!!

*The office in Alma is terrible so there is no way I could work there, but my boss is looking into Edmore, which would be only 5 miles from our new house!!!!!!!! Even better. I have no idea when or if it will work, but it really means a lot to me that he keeps pursuing ways to get me closer to home.

*I found out that we will not be able to get high speed internet at our new home. I AM GOING TO DIE...I mean, literally...die. We had dial-up in Indiana, and have been completely spoiled having wireless high speed internet at our house here for only $30 a month. I am going into convulsions just thinking about going back to dial-up. BUT, Frontier is super aggressive about getting HSI to rural communities, and so hopefully in the next year we will have HSI! Maybe I can have some pull since I work for them, and will live in one of the areas they want to target :)

*I spent a lot of time last week really going through some things and cleaning while everyone was gone...I know, that sounds lame, but I LIKE doing that, and I CHOSE to do it when I was home alone and could do what I WANTED. I am weird like that. Anyway, I was so proud of my accomplishments, loved how everything turned out, and wasn't surprised that within 5 minutes of everyone back in the house that it was *almost* back to the way it was before. Much less clutter and much more organization, but still stuff everywhere. Sigh. It was still good while it lasted :)

*And that is me right now...messy, roller-coaster, me. :)


Kara said...

I feel ya on the internet...IWU spoiled me forever. Even on it's slow days it was faster then most. And only 6 more weeks!!!!! Did you get your tickets?!?

Gene and Annie said...

You get to go visit your sister in Combodia!! Awesome!!! That's so exciting! I'm sorry you have had a bad couple of days with the kids!! I'm sure it's a stage and they will be back to normal quickly! I always find that when Gene is tends to stress me out which in turn... stresses the kids out too! Praying for ya!!

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle, I'm seeing if I can make comments! I love you, hope to see you soon!

Meghan said...

I can relate. Bill works a lot and so some evenings by the time he gets home we talk for a few minutes and then I need to go to bed. I could just kick myself at times for the way I respond to my children. After the fact I think "Why did I act that way?" I am trying to stay calm and redirect. It does not help when Bill says "she does not act like that with me" yeah thats because with you its all fun and with me we need to get some stuff done, like pick up and brush teeth ect. Frustrating.