Wednesday, November 11, 2015


This past weekend we butchered our cow that we have been raising for the last year and a was supposed to be two cows (we had one, and our friends had one), but one died last year unexpectedly. I was worried the kids would have a hard time with it, but they did so well!  It helped that we have talked non stop about how this cow was for beef. Titus told me he thought he would have a hard time with it, but was the first to want to go out and see him after Cornelius and Stephen gutted him and hung him overnight before butchering.

He is only a Jersey, so he is a smaller breed of cow, but since we only paid $50 for him, we figured it was worth a try! Although, I am not sure we would do it again :)

Yes, that is Stephen biting the cow...ready to eat some beef :)

We saved some good bones to give to Daisy...I made beef stock, so this was one of the bones, and she LOVED it!  Although I will admit it is a little weird...I think this is my "city girl" coming out :)

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