We have been several months now (since August) with two torn up bathrooms from our hot tub flood incident. I am MORE than ready to have my bathrooms back!
We waited until October before we got our insurance check, and then we waited and waited for our contractor to come, and then finally switched to a new one because we were tired of the mess and waiting. In the meantime, I painted the master bathroom and part of the other bathroom while we waited for the walls and ceilings to be fixed. We also took out the hot tub so that we wouldn't have another accident :) :) I was able to find a crazy good deal on a nice mirror to put above the sink, and I waited for my towel racks, TP holder, etc to go on sale at Menards - thanks to several gift cards I didn't have to pay a dime. I took a shower in the dark for two days because we didn't have a curtain rod yet (sliding glass door is a little too much window for me to not have a curtain up!), but now it is up and looks great!
Just after Thanksgiving we finally had our bathrooms patched and taken care of, so we could move forward with the last of the painting and get ready for Stephen to lay the ceramic tile floors.
We decided on a jacuzzi tub to replace where the hot tub was in the master bathroom...which meant waiting yet again for the contractor to return to the house to give us a quote, and then come back and plumb it in. On a good note, two weeks after we bought the tub it went on sale, so Menards gave us $100 back!! Hurray!
I had Christmas Eve off of work, so I spent most of the day painting the downstairs bathroom. That is now 100% ready for Stephen to floor. I even put the plugs and towel racks back on the wall and hung up some decorations. It looks SO nice.
The plumber was finally able to get back to our house this week and put in our tub, and it looks AWESOME. Now I just have to repaint where they mudded it into the wall, and paint the surround they built for it, and that bathroom will be ready for Stephen to floor as well.
We are getting there!!! It is SO nice to finally see some real progress...and COLOR in the house. These bathrooms are the only two rooms that have a color that is not a shade of white!! It is very refreshing.
I can't wait to take pictures and show off our hard work :) :)
5 years ago
1 comment:
bricrosSounds like your new bathrooms are really nice. Aunt Linda Mowat
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