Thursday, August 01, 2013

Gummy Bears

Call me ambitious, but my sister, Kara, found a recipe for homemade gummy bears with no sugar, so of course I had to give it a try!  It honestly was faster than I thought...I made banana, strawberry orange, and blueberry grapefruit and it took only 5-10 minutes per batch to make, an hour to set, and then just cutting them out with a little bear cutter.  It took a while to do all the bears, but overall it was fun to do!  

I am not sure, however, that I will make them again.  They are good, but they taste more like Jell-o to me, and I am not a Jell-o person at all.  So although the flavor is fantastic, I just can't get past the Jell-o texture :) :)

1 comment:

Cherri said...

Send me the recipe!! I should do this with my girls! :)And by the way, you are super ambitious! Cornelius would love if I did more things like this. :)