Friday, August 15, 2014

Vacation - Fort Pulaski

Fort Pulaksi (pronounced "puh-WALL-ski") was another really cool find in the Savannah area!  I think this was Stephen's favorite part of the trip, which is saying a lot because he really liked the Air Force Museum, too :)

The cool moat around the fort, plus this huge grassy area in the middle was another means of defense for the fort.

There were some HUGE cannon at the fort!!

And yes, they had a drawbridge for the moat :)

We decided to walk around the outside, and we were glad we did!  The fort fell within 30 hours, when they thought it was impenetrable, mainly because of the type of technology at the time (cannons could shoot further and more accurately) and because it was built by the US government, so the Union general knew exactly where to target the attack.

From the outside you could really see a lot of the damage from the attack, and this was after the Union took it over and spent 6 weeks repairing it!

You can still see a cannon ball in the wall!

There is so much more I could say about the fort - it was amazingly built and cool to see...definitely worth checking out if you are in the area, and it only cost $5 per adult to go in!!

This seems random, but they had a small nature trail, and I thought these mushrooms were sooooo pretty!!!

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