Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Today is my birthday.  A rare day in the fact that I am home...all day.  Normally I am at work, or at church, or traveling to or from Thanksgiving days with family, or at one side or the other spending the break with them.  Only other people with birthdays near Thanksgiving can really understand what I am saying here.  But this year, I have been looking forward to having all day at home ever since we finalized our Thanksgiving plans.

Life has a way of altering our expectations, though...a funeral, Stephen accidentally giving away my birthday lunch to the kids (I know, that sounds silly, but I was REALLY looking forward to it!), and other emotional battles raging through me.  Arguing with myself this morning, I told myself that in spite of circumstances, I can still choose to have a good day today.  And I have so far!  (um, don't tell anyone, but I am still in bed - where I have been most of the morning...relaxing, watching TV shows, and talking to family members that have called.)

I really have no point to this post, other than I wanted to share a post that Stephen put on Facebook today.  It meant a lot to me, and I wanted it forever in writing on my blog here :)  I think he was trying to make my cry...

I marvel at how much God cares for us and knows us intimately... when I was four months and three days old, He already knew that I needed someone in my life to temper my hyper behavior, to plan when I just want to wing it, to encourage me when I get down, to hug me at just the right moment, to listen to me without condemnation... to love me. He knew all this and more, so he put together a package of love, compassion, genius (Don't deny it Michelle Snyder Mowat you are so smart,) mercy, generosity, kindness and many more incredible ingredients and then gave the gift of Michelle to the world and to me. I love you so much, happy birthday

So here is to broken expectations - but choosing to have a good attitude with the reality of the day.  For a husband and kids who love me and will be home soon so we can decorate for Christmas together.  For being able to enjoy a first - being HOME for my birthday!

1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Happy Birthday , Michelle!

What a sweet post! I hope you continued to rest and enjoy your day! <3