Monday, November 02, 2015


We kind of celebrated Halloween 3 times this year...a community festival where we worked one of the games for our church, the kids had a party on school last Friday, and then Saturday, of course!

Here are what the kids designed for their pumpkins this year:



Damaris's in the day time

Titus's in the day time

Damaris wanted to be an old lady, and Titus wanted to be a foodball player

Silly faces :)

Playing games at our church's Fall Festival

Damaris and Emma

Gina and Rhonda

Titus and Owen
(the maze the youth group made was a HUGE hit...Titus spent almost the whole time in there :) )

There is a Baptist church not far from our house that had a huge Trunk or Treat party with food and games and crafts.  Since there are so many from our community that go, we wanted to participate, so we stopped on our way home.

Trying to eat the doughnut off the string...which of course was hard to take a picture of without it being blurry, since they were moving so much :)

Covered in powder sugar!

Nice try ;)

I thought it was fun that they had crafts for the kids

Spider sucker :)

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