Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Thanksgiving & Birthday

Normally I am kind of bad at taking pictures when we get together with my family for Thanksgiving, so this year I stepped it up a little :)

Daisy looked so cute on our way to drop her off at our friend's house

The kids lining up for food

We had a pretty small group this year, but we still had a wonderful time together!

Playing games

The kids spent a lot of the day drawing or coloring together :)

Damaris loved watching Hannah draw by following a YouTube video, so of course she had to give it a try, too!

And of course there had to be a Euchre game :)

Me and Titus

Titus and Abby are only 2 weeks apart!

My birthday was actually on Thanksgiving, so the kids gave me my presents when we got back from my parents house last Friday night.  So we were all pretty tired, but it was cool to see what they picked out for me :)

Damaris's gifts (Titus cracks me up)

Titus's present

Stephen got me a Willow Tree nativity set, which I have been wanting for a while...we actually got it for really cheap because the business had the wrong price on it :)

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