Saturday, August 20, 2016

Anniversary Vacation - Part 3

One of our other days in Charleston, we drove to a nearby plantation called Middleton Place. It was more green gardens than flower gardens, but it was still pretty, and we had a great time.

The main house was burnt down during the Civil War, but this "flanker house" was able to be restored.  We were able to tour it, but we were not allowed to take pictures at all.  It was really neat to see!

This tree is HUGE

Stephen next to the tree so you can have some perspective...


I thought this was was where they kept their water cool

Another lizard :)

And yes, this is alive...and swimming near where we were walking!  It was a weird feeling since neither one of us have been around an alligator in the wild.

And then it saw us and turned toward us...and we immediately ran away! :)

We had an AMAZING time in South Carolina, and it is always nice to get away just the two of us.  Although we realized we only have 7 more summers with both kids, so I think instead of rotating between family vacations and just Stephen and I getting away, we are going to do just family vacations for the next few years.  Hopefully Stephen and I can still get away here locally, but it is just crazy to think that we have so few years left with the kids home!!!

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