Saturday, November 19, 2016

Miscellaneous Pictures

October 26 brought our first snow!  It snowed almost all day long...but within a day or so it was gone, and was almost 70 on and off the next two weeks.  It has been an amazing, warm fall...I am not ready for cold and snow!!!

And, the cats seriously crack me up!  They are outdoors most of the time, but if they lay down and don't get on the floor, I let them inside for a few hours while I am working.  We know too many people with allergies, so we try to be super careful!

Pepper is SO FUNNY sometimes when he sleeps!

This is dark, but he is sleeping upside down, with his tongue out - ha!

Or how about this one, where Pepper is snuggling with Oreo's tail?

A funny one of Oreo...she is snuggling with Pepper's butt :)

Pepper loves to snuggle...which I love!

And, just to prove that we still have a is Daisy! :)

Damaris went with our neighbors to a fair at the school on November 4th...Titus didn't want to go.  Where did my little boy go that now he feels he is too old for this stuff????

Stephen redid this tractor, and it looked really nice!!  It is one that the kids can drive because of how simple it is, and how small.  Well, we have had it parked at my parents for a while now to sell it, and it finally sold!  But Stephen was able to take a couple pictures of my dad on it first...because this is the same type of tractor my dad drove a lot growing up, which is cool!

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