I just got a phone call for a job interview next week (the 17th at 10 AM)!!!!
This is very encouraging since I haven't had an interview since November...and of all the jobs I have applied to, this is only the third one since last June to show any interest. Kind of disheartening, so this is nice, even if I don't get the job.
It is in the administrative building for Verizon in Mt. Pleasant, which is about 30-40 minutes away (typical commute). I would be an Administrative Assistant, which I did for three years already. I wouldn't say it is my dream job, but there are many things that I would enjoy in that job.
This is very encouraging since I haven't had an interview since November...and of all the jobs I have applied to, this is only the third one since last June to show any interest. Kind of disheartening, so this is nice, even if I don't get the job.
It is in the administrative building for Verizon in Mt. Pleasant, which is about 30-40 minutes away (typical commute). I would be an Administrative Assistant, which I did for three years already. I wouldn't say it is my dream job, but there are many things that I would enjoy in that job.
I am still undecided what I should do with my life, so if this is not a job for me, I really don't want it. I keep praying as I did before that if this is not the job for me, God makes it very clear. Last time I prayed that, I bombed the interview :) :) But, at least this time I should be a little more prepared for the type of questions since a friend gave me interview questions to practice.
We will see. I am trying not to be anxious!
I just wanted to share my excitement, and ask if you could please pray with me that it will be clear in the interview what I should do...it is a hard decision!!
I'll pray that God will help and guide you. Aunt Linda Mowat
I will pray for you, that God will help you decide what is best for you.
I also have a stack of interview tips (I'm a career coach in my school), if you need, I can email you, but I think you will do just fine!
How exciting! We'll be praying...
Good luck! I hope it works out for you,
Oh, Michelle! I am praying for you. May God's will be done. :) ~Love, Mary Sue
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