I am so torn right now. I went into the interview today saying, I don't want this job, I just want the experience of interviewing, and prayed that God would give me an open mind, yet keep me from taking a job if He wanted me at home right now. I want to be able to do things and go places and be outside...I really think it is amazing to see how far I have come, when I am sitting here saying that I want to be at home!
Anyway, the interview actually went well, I felt comfortable and relaxed, and I walked away wondering if I should take the job if it was offered...because some of the most important things to me are not issues there. I didn't want to walk into a job where I would get hardly any time off - and Verizon offers two weeks the moment you walk in the door and another week for personal days. I didn't want to get home late, and the hours there are 7-4. I hate feeling tied down, but this boss is very flexible and as long as you get your 40 hours in, he doesn't care. I didn't want a salaried job with lots of hours - this job is salaried but very little overtime, and I would get PAID for it. I would have lots of great benefits, and opportunities to move up (and employees are encouraged to) in the company. At the end of the year, depending on how good the company does, I would get a bonus of 6-8% of my annual salary - that is a pretty big bonus in my opinion.
Verizon is getting bought out by Frontier (who has heard of them?!?) and the only real change is that the office might move to Alma - which is 20 minutes instead of 40. Everything about this job - and I mean everything - is something I feel confident that I could do, and do well.
But if I should be at home, I don't want this seemly "perfect" job to tempt me. I still want to do what is right, even if this does look like it is an open door. And at the same time, I don't want to be so focused on staying home that I miss out on a job that God has put together for me to take.
I am not trying to jump the gun - the position might not even be offered to me...but I want to search my heart and know what my answer would be when they do call. And there is still one more hinge-point to me taking this job. The pay has to be comparable to what I had at IWU or I for sure would walk away. I am not going to work and have to drive almost an hour and a half a day for less money than I made before. And that is a pretty high standard for jobs around here - but that is another thing that is important to me.
Anyway, if you could just pray for all of that...I know that if they don't offer me the job, I am to be at home right now - and I am truly OK with that. Maybe that's what God wants from me - to be content, whether the job is offered or not.
Anyway, the interview actually went well, I felt comfortable and relaxed, and I walked away wondering if I should take the job if it was offered...because some of the most important things to me are not issues there. I didn't want to walk into a job where I would get hardly any time off - and Verizon offers two weeks the moment you walk in the door and another week for personal days. I didn't want to get home late, and the hours there are 7-4. I hate feeling tied down, but this boss is very flexible and as long as you get your 40 hours in, he doesn't care. I didn't want a salaried job with lots of hours - this job is salaried but very little overtime, and I would get PAID for it. I would have lots of great benefits, and opportunities to move up (and employees are encouraged to) in the company. At the end of the year, depending on how good the company does, I would get a bonus of 6-8% of my annual salary - that is a pretty big bonus in my opinion.
Verizon is getting bought out by Frontier (who has heard of them?!?) and the only real change is that the office might move to Alma - which is 20 minutes instead of 40. Everything about this job - and I mean everything - is something I feel confident that I could do, and do well.
But if I should be at home, I don't want this seemly "perfect" job to tempt me. I still want to do what is right, even if this does look like it is an open door. And at the same time, I don't want to be so focused on staying home that I miss out on a job that God has put together for me to take.
I am not trying to jump the gun - the position might not even be offered to me...but I want to search my heart and know what my answer would be when they do call. And there is still one more hinge-point to me taking this job. The pay has to be comparable to what I had at IWU or I for sure would walk away. I am not going to work and have to drive almost an hour and a half a day for less money than I made before. And that is a pretty high standard for jobs around here - but that is another thing that is important to me.
Anyway, if you could just pray for all of that...I know that if they don't offer me the job, I am to be at home right now - and I am truly OK with that. Maybe that's what God wants from me - to be content, whether the job is offered or not.
God will lead you. Aunt Linda
I'll be praying Michelle!! It's so hard in the midst of these big decisions to hear clearly what God wants you to do but take comfort in knowing that we are praying!! Sometimes it's not a resounding Yes or NO but just a little nudge towards a certain way! It may only be a whisper but He will guide you!!
I can see how far you have come since a few months ago. God is obviously teaching you a lot during your time at home with your children. I will pray that He makes His will very clear to you. Please keep us updated.
OOO man. I feel ya! In some ways, I feel torn, too! God has shown me that this is where He wants me, but if I don't find a full-time job by September, I won't have a place to live-- I'm not sure where I will be. So yes, decisions, decisions! It is hard because sometimes He leads and shows himself, but then those times when he leads seem contradictory to when he provided. I don't know if any of that makes sense, but I share that desire with you - to want what God wants - even if the opposing side might offer a lot. AYE! You've reached a good spot because you want what God wants; I struggle with that at times.
I will pray for you today at lunch, Michelle. Love -- Mary Sue
Hey there! It sounds like you are willing to let God lead you wherever He wants you to go...so I am confident that it will turn out the way He wants it to...but I will say a prayer for you that you will be content in the decision that you make...maybe I should pray that if they offer you the job then you're suppose to take it and if not...well then it wasn't meant to be :) Sometimes I think it's so hard for us because we tend to overanalize a situation...and God's probably going...come on! Can't you figure it out already! HA! I know He's said that to me on more than one occasion! Praying that you feel a peace about whatever decision you make!
P.S. We have Frontier here in Minnesota...is Verizon getting bought out as a whole by them or just in your area? Didn't know Frontier was big enough to do that!
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