Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vacation Cont...12th & 13th

Day 2 & 3 ~ Monday & Tuesday

Playing the Wii...the TV was so high that he had to stand on the table to play :)

Damaris isn't so sure about this...and she was even less sure after she went down all by herself...I doubt she will be doing this one again!

My mom and Dad...I think this is such a cute picture :)

I am not sure if he actually went down or not :) :)

Both kids being silly :)

This was her version of throwing the ball :)

I know that I say this a lot - but Damaris is so much fun and just plain silly. I love it :) This is a video of her playing "catch" with my mom.

1 comment:

Mary Sue said...

Your videos are hilarious!! I love them!!