Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vacation to Boyne Falls - April 11th

Day 1 ~ Sunday
Stephen and I are part of a vacation club of sorts - we LOVE it - and had extra time to use up, so we thought it would be fun to get some of our family together for a week (which ended up being a last trip before I go back to work). So we had my parents and Stephen's sister Valerie all week, and then his sister Bethany came up Tuesday, and then Stephen's parents on Wednesday. I know for some families, having both sides together can be a bad thing, or a stressful thing, but we all got along great and had a really fun time!!

Here are pictures from our first day:

Before going to church and leaving for vacation...


On the ride up to Boyne Falls...

Stephen made these cool boxes for the kids to draw on and hold paper/crayons/books/toys/etc. So fun!

Stephen and I

After we got there and ate dinner, the kids wanted to go to the hot tub...

Damaris cracks me up :)

My parents

Me and Damaris...

The "guys"


I love this picture!!

Twirling in the water...I love Titus's laugh :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. It looks like all of you had a good time. Aunt Linda Mowat