Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Short-lived Fun

Tonight we got to go for a short ride on Fred and Cheryl's boat! The boat has been in storage, so the company brings it to the docks, and then Fred had to drive it back to his own dock. He invited us to come along, and of course we couldn't say no! :)

Me and my hottie... :)

Looking over the edge...

Smile, Fred!

And then since Stephen had two meetings plus a house call to go to tonight, I thought it would be fun to go to the park...but that ended up being short-lived fun as well...

"This is heavy!"

"No pictures please."

"This sun is bright!"

Playing with the chimes

...short-lived because 5-10 minutes after we got there Damaris pooped in her pants. I think she tried to hold it as long as she could since there are no bathrooms there, and she didn't want to tell me because she didn't want to go home. We were all disappointed, but I told them we might be able to try again tomorrow is supposed to be around 80 degrees tomorrow too...


Meghan said...
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Meghan said...

poop in the pants is never good. great pics

Gene and Annie said...

Boats are so much fun!! It's neat that you guys have the opportunity to do those things!!

Michelle M. said...

That looks like a lot of fun, but I think my kiddos would be afraid of the boat ride. We took a ferry one time, and David was TERRIFIED. Glad your family had fun.