Tuesday, November 09, 2010


On Saturday (October 30th) we had a Fall Party with our small group from church...it was so fun!

I think this was my favorite costume...and so creative. A little garden gnome...completely adorable!

Getting ready to carve pumpkins!

I did this one...I know, sad. I did it how Titus wanted, but it just would have looked better if it had been someone other than a non-artistic person carving it :) :) :)

Stephen working on Damaris's pumpkin

Everyone hard at work!

All done!

On the hayride

I just thought it was cute that Brent was holding 3 kids at the same time :)

We had a great time! And it was much warmer than last year, which was nice!

On Sunday, for Halloween, our church youth group put on a carnival of sorts for all the kids in town. There are a lot of people that come through to play games and eat and just have fun!

Titus was Iron Man and Damaris was a cheerleader.

Titus did SO GOOD...I wonder if he could see ;)

I think this was Damaris's favorite game :)

Anita cracks me up...

Face painting and candy!


Michelle M. said...

That looks like a lot of fun!

Meghan said...

cute pics, I tried to look at information on the buisness before and on the site I really did not see the products themselves? can you email me a link?


Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had alot of fun. Aunt Linda Mowat

Gene and Annie said...

I like the garden gnome too!! Cute!!