Friday, November 22, 2013


I am not sure what happened to November...or all of 2013 for that matter.  I have the following four pictures to show for all of November...I know, pathetic :(

But, they are good ones!  

Stephen is a hunter, and November 15th is a big day around here...schools close and everything for opening day of deer season :)  He has gotten lots of does in the past several years, but this was his very first buck!  It was technically a 5 point, but it looked like he lost one of his points in a fight or something.

Thankfully he didn't run too far before he died, so Stephen and Tyler (friend of the family that was hunting nearby and helped Stephen get the deer out) dragged him back into the clearing.

And this is a view of about how close he was (closer, actually) when Stephen shot him...this was my first time going out to the blind, and we barely were out for 20-30 minutes of daylight when he walked right up next to the blind...probably only about 20 yards away.  Stephen actually had to shoot down to get him!  

Anyway, I ended up going back out in the afternoon, because I felt like I got cheated out of the whole hunting/sitting in the blind for hours experience :)

Stephen hunts on his dad's land...the farm is very beautiful!

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