Thursday, June 19, 2014

Family Vacation - Part 1

For our Christmas and birthday presents for Dan and Kara, we took them with us on vacation :)  Last week we went up to Boyne Mountain and had a GREAT time...the perfect mix of going out and doing stuff, and just hanging out around our rooms.

We took a TON of be warned! :)  I have split up the pictures into two posts to  help break them up :)

Sisters :)

Settling into our rooms

Where we stayed

Playing at the playground

This is an important picture for a major reason...this is the slide that Damaris broke her arm on two years took a LOT of coaxing, but she finally faced her fear and was going down it over and over again!  Whew!

The next day we decided to check the lake out that was was beautiful weather!

The beach was gorgeous!!

On our way back through we stopped to pick up a hiking map and saw this cool swan!

And we also saw what is left of what must have been a MASSIVE snow pile...because I have never seen this much snow in the middle of June :)

It was fun to play around...and it was a weird feeling to be in flip flops and walking on the snow was kind of like air conditioning just your feet :) :)


Then in the afternoon we headed up to Mackinaw City, since we all love it, and it is only an hour away from Boyne!  We of course had to get pizza at MaMa Mia's :)

The bridge is so cool!!

One of the stores has a cool play fort, so the kids had fun playing for a little while

Don't Shoot! :)

We also stopped by McGulpin Point, which was the first time I had ever been there

This is the fort...we had to zoom in quite a ways from where we were, but it was still cool :)

McGulpin Point Lighthouse

It had a really cool spiral staircase, which lead to a really great view!

We got to see a ship going through

I happened to snap the picture at just the right time!  The butterfly was so pretty against the lilacs!

Part 2 coming soon!!!

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