Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fun Weekend - Anderson's and Vestaburg Days

This past weekend Josh and Shelah came back to visit us!  They have only ever come in the winter, so it was fun to be able to do different things this time, and show the many things that we can do in the summer :)

The kids chose cookies instead of doughnuts this time!

Wyatt and Titus

Mya and Damaris

Such a cutie!

Titus thought it was funny to grab (nicely, don't worry!) the goat's beard :) :)

Baby ducks!

Baby prairie dogs

 They are getting so big, but they are still so cute!!

Chilling on the tractor tire

This one just cracked me up...he was sitting on the top of the tractor as if he was the king of the world :) :)

The dingos are getting so big, too!  They still are adorable, though!

They had a couple of the turtles out so the kids could touch them
This kangaroo was loving the attention!  We have never been able to pet one before, so that was cool!

 The peacock just hanging out on top of the bobcat's cage :)

Cute bunny :)

I am not a bird person, but I love all their vibrant colors!

 This one just looked funny to me :)

This lemur was just adorable...I loved his tiny little hand holding on to the if to steady himself from falling over from relaxing :)

Only one zebra has been there all year - not sure what happened to the others

After Anderson's we went home, grabbed some lunch, and then headed to Vestaburg Days, which is a festival that our tiny little town has started doing every year.  We had hoped to go on the FREE carriage rides that they had, but they were full :(  So we let the kids play in the FREE bouncy area and walked the part of the FREE car show.  It is so cool that a small little town can have such a huge variety of events, mostly free!

Not so sure about this huge drop... :)


Damaris hesitated at the top, too :)  It really was kind of steep for a blow up/bouncy playhouse.

This small little car next to the regular car is actually a pedal toy for was super cool!!!

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