Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fun Weekend - Out on the Lake

After we went to Anderson's and Vestaburg Days, our friends Gregg and Karen took us out on their boat.  It was a gorgeous day, and for the first time all year it truly felt like summer.  It has been so cold and rainy!!  So this was a fun treat for all of us!

Josh and Stephen and the kids

Me and Shelah

Titus relaxing

Stephen and Damaris

Gregg manned the boat and his wife Karen normally water skiis but was just along for the ride this time :)

Josh and Wyatt

Josh and Mya

I thought it was so cute seeing the kids watching out of the back of the boat :)

Me and Damaris

Mya and Shelah

Stephen and Titus

Shelah and Wyatt

Playing along the shore

We always enjoy hanging out with Josh and Shelah and look forward to the next time!!

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