Friday, August 08, 2014

Vacation - Our First Three Days

Stephen and I were excited to be able to go on vacation to Savannah, GA this past week!  We left last Friday night and headed part way down, to Fort Wayne, IN where we were able to spend the evening hanging out with my sister Kara and brother-in-law Dan.  We left the following morning and headed toward Indianapolis so that we could stop in and see my other sister Carlyn and her family.  My niece, Amisha, just had a baby a month ago (I am a Great Aunt!), and we were also able to see him for the first time.  Jonah is such a quiet, sweet, baby...I could have held him all day long!!

Me, Amisha, and Jonah

Then we headed to Knoxville, TX where we stayed the night.  We left in the morning, traveled to Asheville, NC and stopped at a church plant there similar to our church, and then afterwards headed the rest of the way to Savannah.

Cool bridge before we crossed over into Georgia

We stayed right downtown in historical Savannah, and our condo was amazing!  I loved all the decor and the style.

And from the rooftop of the condos we had a great view of that cool bridge!

Stay tuned for more pictures from our trip!

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