Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Game Time!

This past Saturday was Titus's first football game, and Damaris's first game for cheering!  It was so cute to see the little kids out there in their uniforms :)  Stephen is actually the head coach, with our friend Brent Arntz as the assistant coach.

Titus is number 25...he is definitely one of the smaller kids.  It is hard to believe that all the kids are in either 3rd or 4th grade...such a huge range of sizes of kids!

Titus waiting to go in

Lining up to receive the kick off

 Not so sure about this...
(and Coach Arntz trying to help direct the kids to the right spots :) )

 Damaris loves cheering...she is already asking if she can do it again next year...

And she looks like she is taking it very seriously! :)

Several players "huddling" around baby Boston!  Brent and Ashley just had him on Wednesday, but Ashley didn't want to miss Landon's first game, so she came.  I was amazed...I don't think I could have sat on those hard bleachers that long after just having a baby!!! :)

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