Thursday, July 30, 2015


Last week Wednesday Stephen got a call from a guy telling him that a church backed out of their softball league, and if we could put a team together by Friday, we could join.  Stephen made some calls and found a few that were able to make it.  I didn't want to play, but told him if it came down to needing one more person, I was willing.  Well, wouldn't you know I made person number 9 :)  I had fun even though softball isn't my thing. I had two goals - that the ball would never come near me (I was in right field, so my odds were good), and that I wouldn't strike out when I was at bat. The ball didn't come near me and I got on base every time, so I was very relieved!!  And, even though we had never played together, and several on our team were only in junior or senior high, we pulled out a blowout win! :)

Stephen playing 3rd base
(and you can see me waaaay out in right field LOL)

My hits weren't amazing, but they were enough to not get out, thankfully!

Stephen up to bat

It was a beautiful night for softball :)

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