Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Vestaburg Community Days

This past weekend was our Community Days festival for the town we live in.  This year they had a bike parade for the kids on Friday night.  Damaris wanted her bike decorated, but Titus didn't :) There were actually quite a few kids that participated.  It was fun seeing all the different, creative bikes and designs!

When we were at the bike parade Stephen and I decided to do the 5K glow run that night...which was way last minute to decide, and I literally haven't ran in over 2 years...and I hate running. But I also like competition and being active and doing things with Stephen, so we did it!  I set the goal of not walking, no matter how slow I would have to run, and I actually felt really good during the race!  I had a few moments that I had to push through, but I never felt like I couldn't breathe and I probably could have ran faster than I did and still been fine.  And, I was even more surprised that I ran it in 29:42, my personal best!!!  Unbelievable since I didn't feel like I was pushing myself, and since I have't ran in so long.  Of course my Graves Disease is in remission right now, and I think that made a HUGE difference.  It actually gave me confidence to run again, and maybe not hate it! :)

Then on Saturday we missed the parade because it was cool, windy, and rainy in the morning, but we went in the afternoon and checked out the craft show, inflatables, and kids games.

Kind of hard to do face painting when you are sweaty, but I thought Olaf turned out cute :)

Prizes at every game station, which was pretty cool, especially since everything was free!

There was another storm that came through that night, and there was a pretty rainbow.  Apparently there was a double rainbow, and you can kind of see it to the left, but I completely missed it when I took the picture!

The sky completely cleared for the fireworks, and it was beautiful!

They did a Fireman Parade and had area firehouses participate - there were about 25 vehicles, which I thought was amazing!!

The fireworks were actually pretty good, especially for such a small town!  The show lasted for half an hour!!

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