Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Trip to Fort Wayne - Part 1

My sister Kara and her husband Dan got our kids tickets to the zoo in Fort Wayne for their birthdays this year.  So this past weekend we went down for a couple days to hang out and go to the zoo together!

Campfire and hot dogs!

Just the day before we got there, Kara and Dan had their foreign exchange student fly in!  Jessica is from Brazil and we instantly loved her.  She is so much fun and is super friendly and just joined right in with all of our silliness and teasing :)

Climbing trees

After dinner we went to the county fair.  Kara had entered a couple of her photos in the fair that we wanted to see, plus the kids love seeing all the animals!

I thought this llama looked absolutely ridiculous :)

Petting a bunny

Baby goat smiling at me ;)

This little guy was adorable!

Almost a full moon!

The next day we hung around the house, went to the local pet store for more animal fun (they let you take the dogs out and play with them!), and then ended the night by a trip to the park behind Kara and Dan's house.

This was a cool eel at the pet store!

And, they had a chameleon which was really cool!

This swing looked way too comfortable. :)

Swinging with Uncle Dan

I LOVE Titus's sense of humor.  Damaris got these ridiculous wrist warmers at a garage sale for free earlier that morning...yes, they really do say "I love knees", I have no idea why.  And so of course Titus thought it would be funny to actually put them on his knees :)

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