Friday, August 07, 2015

Trip to Fort Wayne - Part 2

Here are our pictures from the zoo!  We had beautiful weather and definitely enjoyed our time there!

They had cute drinking fountains and trash cans everywhere :)

They also had various spots in the zoo for kids to stop along the way and play for a while, like this Jeep.

These monkeys were so hairy, and kind of reminded me of skunks :)  But the baby was super cute!

The sea lions were one of my favorites...we were able to be there for when they fed them and did tricks, which was fun.  

They were super interactive, coming up to the glass to show off.  It was so cool!

Alligator sleeping :)

Titus, the fish whisperer :)

The red pandas were sooooo cute!  They look so fluffy and cuddly, and their colors are so beautiful.

Titus is not a big child at all...and yet when he got on the hammock, he sunk all the way to the floor :)

Another baby!  Ape babies grow super slow - 7/8 years before they leave their mom.  This one is tiny, but is about a year old already!

Hard day? :)

Another one of the baby, just because it was so cute!

Pretty flower in the Indonesian jungle exhibit

Another monkey...

Dan kissing the goat :)

We had a great time and definitely enjoyed Dan and Kara's gift!!!

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