Saturday, September 12, 2015


The reason we had to push to get back from Florida by Friday was because Titus had a football scrimmage (plus Stephen is coaching again this year) and the kids have to weigh in to play.  It is super laid back and more about having fun, which is nice!  They played three different teams, and here are some pictures.

Titus playing defense (#25)

Titus also got to play quarterback, which was fun, and he seemed to enjoy it.

Stephen is the head coach and also coaches the offence, Brent is the assistant coach and coaches the defense.  The kids did very well, especially compared to last year at this point!  Last year there was only one kid that played a second year, so it was an all brand-new team...this year we had several come back.  We also have 3 girls on the team!

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