Sunday, September 06, 2015

Vacation - Part 1

On Saturday, August 22nd we hit the road before 4 AM to travel to Orlando, Florida...a vacation that we have been planning and anticipating for over four years!  We planned on staying overnight in Atlanta, GA and then decided to get on the road early enough that we made it there by late afternoon (12 hour drive).  It would have been nice to keep driving further, but it was also nice to just chill for the evening.

Damaris ended up throwing up several times on our way to Atlanta, which was miserable - for her and us.  We worried that the rest of us would come down with stomach flu on our vacation, but thankfully none of us did!

On Sunday we only had 6 hours to drive, so when we got to Orlando we had a couple hours before we could check in, so we went to Downtown Disney.

Sparkles from the Disney store!

A cool boat

Of course Titus loved the Lego store and all the cool creations around the store.  Yes, this dragon in the water is made of Legos!!

The Seven Dwarfs :)

It was of the workers offered to take our picture...with Hulk of course ;)

Damaris thought this was cool!

This was pretty fun, too!

We checked into our resort at 4, settled in, went grocery shopping for the week, made dinner, and then just chilled by the pool before heading to bed.

Our room (with a balcony)

Kids' room

Family balcony (it was completely screened in, which was nice to keep the bugs away!  And we had a gorgeous view of a lake...I don't know how I didn't get a picture of it!!


Living Room

Playing in the water

On Monday we drove 45 minutes to Legoland.  The kids loved it!  I am glad we decided to is perfect for kids our age and under...lots of smaller rides for preschoolers, but small roller coasters for elementary kids (and adults!), too.  I was surprised how much Titus loved the roller coasters.  Damaris liked them except for the drops (I can totally relate!).  It made the day a lot of fun!

One of my favorite parts of the whole place was walking through a section where they had sorts of mini models - all made of Legos!  This is just one of a LOT.  I could have taken soooo many more pictures!  They had famous cities all over the world and the US (Las Vegas, Washington DC, etc) and all kinds of Star Wars models.  I am not doing justice trying to explain it, and neither does this just have to see it!

Full size scale of this Ford was amazing!

Be prepared...tomorrow has a TON of pictures!!!!!!!!!

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