Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Vacation - Part 2

On Tuesday we went to Animal Kingdom and LOVED it!  I would have had hard time picking a favorite from the day, but definitely one at the top of the list was the safari we were able to go on. In fact, we ended up going again in the afternoon :) 

Some of these pictures are blurry, because we were started moving again before we could get the picture, or Stephen and I couldn't get the camera switched between our sides fast enough.  But I had to include them anyway!  I don't really know what a lot of these animals are, sorry...



Crocodiles (or are they alligators???)

Termite mound



These were a different type of flamingo

We were lucky enough to see the Cheetah!

Baby Rhino!!  He was so cute!!



More Rhinos


They had short walking paths were you could go see more animals...it was really neat!

The main part of this exhibit was the fish...but there was a hippo sleeping in the water!!!

The silverback gorilla exhibit was awesome!  They had two of these adorable one year old gorillas that were just TOO STINKING CUTE, plus a 5 year old baby, and a couple others.

One of the few pictures we have of all four of us!  This tree was at the center of Animal Kingom and was super cool looking.  It huge, but you can't really tell perspective from this picture :)

They had all kinds of birds!

Komodo dragons are super dangerous...in fact, if you have seen the newer James Bond movies where a guy gets eaten by one, the worker near this exhibit said that wasn't even a Komodo dragon in the movie because of how dangerous they are!


The tiger was super cool!!!

Here are some more pictures from our second time going on the safari :)

Baby giraffe!

This rhinoceros had the right idea snoozing in the shade! :)

Lions sleep about 20 hours a day!!!  So we were pretty excited to see this lion...

Lizards were EVERYWHERE in Florida...Titus loved it!

We of course had to go back to the gorilla exhibit one more time!

This head male in the "bachelor" section has to wait until the other males get inside at the end of the day.  So he was posing and performing for some fruit until the worker got the "ok" to let him go.  It takes about 2 hours, but they literally bring in every animal every. single. day.  The ones in the safari section have a certain whistle they listen for so they know when it is their turn.  Crazy!!!

Animal Kingdom has SO much more than just animals, but those are just what I took pictures of :)  We LOVED the park, and would highly recommend it!!

We did catch one show just before we left - the Lion King show.  It was great!!

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