Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Field Trip

Last week Tuesday I took the day off work and went with Titus's class to our State Capitol.  It was overcast and tried to rain, but it held off, and the temperature was actually pretty nice, which we were thankful for because of all the walking we had to do outside!

Quick stop at a cool water fountain

It was really tall!

A look at our capitol from the water fountain

Our first stop was the Michigan Historical Museum.  I have never been there, and I thought it was very interesting and well done!  

You can see by how small the people are at the bottom of this picture how big this map of Michigan is!!

Going for a ride ;)

These wheels are HUGE!  They were used for logging in Michigan.

Keegan, one of the other boys in his class, was in my group

Titus and Keegan outside the Capitol on the way to our tour

It has been YEARS since I have been to the Capitol...probably when I was in elementary school - so it was really neat to tour it again.

There are several of these really neat chandeliers throughout the Capitol...all are original except one!

Everything looks so ornate and expensive, but actually there wasn't much money, so they went with the lowest bid...and the guy used pine throughout the whole building and painted it to look like walnut!  It was impressive.  Also, where it looked like marble, that was painted, too!

A look up at the dome

The dome is super cool!

More pretty chandeliers

They have two original painted ceilings left, and this is one of them!

Here is another look at their beautiful (pine!!) doors

This is the other of the originally painted ceilings

It was a great trip, and I was glad that I was able to go and spend the day in Lansing, but also with Titus!

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