Friday, November 13, 2015

Pictures by the Kids

I am not sure which of the kids took these...but I thought they were fun, so I wanted to share :)

This fish is similar to a plecostomus in that it eat algae, but yet very different.  It also swims upside down almost all the time.  We were worried that our Oscar would eat it, but so far, so good!

These are two goldfish the Oscar decided to keep after his last batch of feeder fish.  He almost always has two "friends" so when his last two goldfish friends died, he saved these two guys :)

We also got a new plecostomus...he is super tiny, but has also survived so far :)  You can also see how huge our Oscar is next to the two new little guys...

I thought this was such a peaceful, pretty picture of our backyard...I love looking out at this every day!

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