Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekend in Sault Sainte Marie

This past weekend we made a trip to the Upper Peninsula to visit our friends Brooks and Jill who have been living there since this summer while they are between churches.  We had such a wonderful time, and it was sooooo good to see them again!!

Titus and Damaris had so much fun playing with their four girls, which also makes for a fun weekend.  The weather was cold but good - in fact it snowed almost all day on Friday!

Mackinaw Island

Crossing the bridge

You can guess what Titus is about to do...

Snowball fight!

Damaris wanted her hair in pigtails and then somewhere along the line a comment was made about how it would be cute if all the girls had pigtails.  I said I wanted to get a picture, and a little while later Damaris tells me they are ready, and wouldn't you know, they are literally all posed and lined up for a picture!  It was super cute to see them like that.

Silly faces!
(I love that Jorja and Damaris are making the same face and didn't even know it!)

Stephen went outside Friday morning and saw our tire was low...and this explains why!  No idea where we picked it up, but thankfully it had to be close to their house, so we made it without any issues!  We got it plugged for now, and we hope it holds for a little longer!

While the girls were playing "house" Titus found a way to build ;)  He cracks me up!

Sault Sainte Marie (pronounced "sue saint marie") has locks that boats have to go on in order to cross from Lake Superior to Lake Huron, because there is almost a 30 foot drop between the lakes.  So boats pull in...

...then they go into a channel like this one in the front of the red freighter...

...and then the drop the water in the channel so they can pull out on the other side.  And of course it goes the opposite way when boats are trying to get from Lake Huron to Lake Superior.  It is pretty cool!

Somehow I missed getting pictures of Brooks and Jill, but we had fun hanging out, talking, playing Euchre, eating Jill's yummy food, riding their 4-wheeler, etc.  Stephen also worked on a fixing a tractor with Brooks, which of course both guys loved.  It was a wonderful, relaxing time, and Brooks and Jill are both so easy to get along with, plus being another pastoral couple, there are just things they "get" about is nice having friends like that!  I wish they still lived closer to us :(

Beautiful sunset on our way home

 Not a great picture, but the Mackinaw bridge is so pretty lit up at night!

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